viernes, mayo 17, 2024

With concrete actions, Tecámac is an equal administration: Mayoress Mariela Gutiérrez / @MarielaGtzEsc @MejorTecamac >>>

#Tecámac, #Edoméx.- In 2023, the administration of Tecámac will have an equal number of male and female directors, after five new female directors were sworn in in recent days to head the City Hall Secretary, the Municipal Treasury, the General Directorate of Education and Culture, the Directorate of Ecology and Administration, and the General Directorate of the DIF.

The municipal president, Mariela Gutiérrez Escalante, emphasizes that her government not only provides opportunities for women in speeches, but with concrete actions to achieve substantive equality between both genders.

She emphasized that her government acts and is made up of efficient men and women, who provide tecamaquenses a quality service, which has placed the municipality as the best evaluated in the State of Mexico.

Gutiérrez Escalante, informed that with the recent municipal restructuring, where there were 14 directorates, it was decided to keep only nine, in order to provide an efficient service to citizens, and streamline administrative procedures.

The women who assume the title of the different areas are: Secretary of the City Council, Perla Lizeth Cruz Ramírez; Treasury, Olga Molina Hernández; General Directorate of Education and Culture, Valeria Olivares Balleza; Directorate of Ecology and Administration, Patricia Galindo Alarcón; and General Directorate of DIF, Sonia Cruz Miranda.

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